Award Winning Studio
The Hanley Awards, HVS's version of the Oscars, are open to national competitors and are presented to winners at the culmination of the event. "The Hanley Award is a testament to the excellence and innovation that drive our industry forward," said Robert Hanley, founder and CEO of Home Video Studio.
Best Backlot Video
Farmout of the Year
President's Award Best of Show
5-Year Achievement Award
Seven-Stars Award for Excellence

Best Documentary
Best Company Promo
Best Short Video
Best Photo Restoration
Best Studio Tag
Mini Hanley for 2023 Movie Night Winner
Seven-Stars Award for Excellence
Studio Owner of the Year
Best Long-form Video
Rookie of the Year
Best Rookie Video
Best Short Video
The “Best of Clay” is an annual event by Clay Today that celebrates the top businesses, services, and professionals in Clay County, Florida. It boosts community recognition, consumer trust, and local economic impact by encouraging residents to support local businesses.

It all started with a cassette tape recorder I received as a Christmas present when I was young. I had so much fun recording songs off the radio, family conversations, and skits I created with my friends. I was hooked. When my family purchased a Super 8 film camera, I fell in love with it as well.
Every part of my journey in this business has been rewarding. Those precious memories recorded years ago on VHS tapes, film cameras, and 35mm slides cannot be viewed on today’s technology. What I love about what I do now is the ability to take those memories and transfer them to a digital format that CAN be viewed and enjoyed again! I reunite people with their memories. It’s rewarding to know someone can hear their deceased father’s voice again, be wowed by the birth of their child, relive a championship sports victory, or watch their wedding ceremony again after 20 years. It is priceless. It is why I do what I do.